Category Archives: Ruti, the Red: Mewsings and Reports from the FLF* Compound

Still on Strike: unfair labor conditions continue at the FLF*

I, the FLF’S honorary human, found a note on my bedroom door this morning. It was signed in what appeared to be ketchup. I walked into the kitchen and indeed, the refrigerator door was open and there were red pawprints on the floor, leading to the front door. The note read:  Human, Comrade Ruti’s demands have not been met. We… Continue Reading >>>

Why Don’t They Put Pictures of Missing Cats on Milk Cartons? a cry for equality

Our other human, Matt, is visiting Los Angeles – perhaps, more accurately, the cats and dogs of Los Angeles. He is a loyal comrade who knows that the affairs of Those Who Are Not Human, Thank Bast matter more than human dithering around. He sent this dispatch to our FLF Compound. We hope it might… Continue Reading >>>

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