Win a Free One-hour Writing Session with me

A generous couple have given Breakthrough a generous donation. I want to pass the generosity forward. I invite you to apply for a one-hour mentoring session with me. You can use our time any way you want – break it into segments, use the whole hour. I work with non-Flagstaff writers on-line and by phone. If you are in Flagstaff and win, we can meet anywhere that is comfortable for both of us. Your annual income needs to be under $25,000. If you’re raising kids by yourself, let me know – and we can adjust accordingly.

Write me – in no more than three hundred words – why you would like to work on your writing with me. Please include your low income qualifications. Mail your application to me at  I strongly suggest that you don’t waste your three hundred words on your academic credentials. Break my heart. Stun me. Make me laugh.  And, we can both be grateful to B&B, whose hearts and work are always in the struggle.

I’d like your application by the lifeline of April 30, 2022.


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