I write in the last of 2021 grateful to those of you who have donated to BTW

You know who you are. All two of you. Your donation will not only relieve my stretched-to-breaking budget (I can hear my mother’s spirit gasp: “We never discuss money, Liz.”), but your kindness feels like an affirmation not just for BTW, but for the importance of good writing. My good writing. And, yours.

And, because my mother was wrong, I want you to know that only two of you honored BTW with a donation. Yep, that’s a guilt trip. Yep, here’s another: I’ve offered my experience, words and intelligence for free for too many decades. I plunged into the Hippie decades with full trust. We were all going to offer our gifts and skills to each other. We would feed the hungry, offer a mattress on the floor to those without a place to crash, teach each other what we were good at. Then, good old-fashioned Second Wave Feminism came on the scene and we women reminded each other of the hours, years, aeons of work we had done for free.

And now, it’s 2021. So, if you value Breakthrough Writing, please let me know by sending a donation to my Paypal: kali114402001@yahoo.com or at the very least (a few words and a click), let me know that Breakthrough is of value to you.

Help me keep at it. If you are willing to send money to Breakthrough, email me at bstarr67@gmail.com and let me know.



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