Nothing, indeed, will be the same: My beloved black cat, Boo has cancer

Miss Boo

Here is Boo. As you can see, she has magical powers. Nonetheless, she also has cancer in her mouth. I will have her put to death – no cute euphemisms here, though I devoutly hope that there really is a Rainbow Bridge and she gets to hang out with her pal, Ruti, the Red and her rival, Miss Chi Chi. She is alive as I write this, was able to eat and is sleeping in her favorite spot, on the living-room heating vent. She is thirteen years old, a native of 29 Palms in the Mojave Desert, and a fierce woman from birth. The nice people at the 29 Palms Shelter had named her Sweetness. They were wrong. Thank goddess.

I’ll write more in a few days. Right now, I am too sad and sore. Thank you for reading Breakthrough Writing. I’d love to hear from you at   m


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