Read Ruti, the Red’s latest post: Breakthrough for the week of 6/19/17

I don’t have much more to write at the moment. His condition breaks my heart – especially when, except for his rough breathing, he seems normal.  I want to tell him I won’t let him suffer – and I have no way of knowing if he is suffering now. If you know him – face to face or through his column – you know what a stalwart cat he is. My daughter said to me a few days ago, “At least Ruti got to have his fifteen minutes of fame.” And, through Ruti’s election as Spokescat for the Second Chance Animal Shelter, many many cats and dogs were sheltered and fed. Thanks, daughter!

He asked me to tell you that he doesn’t need prayers. He’d love to see more humans spay and neuter (especially themselves), and adopt homeless kitties.


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