FYFJ is here!!

Valiant comrades, the future is assured. Meet the founding member of the FYFJ (Feline Youth For Justice).IMG_0371 This stalwart young comrade has chosen to not provide her – though he might be a he – name. S/he is no more than six weeks old and was found huddled beneath the shopping carts at the local yuppie (Are there human yuppies anymore?) overpriced food store, fondly known as Whole Paycheck.

S/he began working as an operative as soon as s/he arrived at his/her humans’ house. S/he went into covert mode under a daybed, in an impossible-to-reach cubby and, ultimately, into David’s and Laura’s hearts.

Please send us any news of other potential FYFJ members. Agent X isn’t allowed out of the house yet, but given our huge and growing membership in the FLF*, we will find someone in your area to make contact.

Today’s Mewsing: Never give up. If you wake up, you have another day to organize.  Ruti, the Reputable

FLF is the rapidly growing Feline Liberation Front


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